Stir up Sunday, or in my family Pudding Sunday, is nearly here, so if you haven’t got a recipe sorted yet, or find traditional recipes too heavy, this is for you. It is always the Sunday before Advent, so this year 22nd November.
Stir up Sunday gets it’s name from the collect read on the last Sunday of the church year
Stir-up, we beseech thee, O Lord, the wills of thy faithful people;
that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good works,
may of thee be plenteously rewarded; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
For me it is a family tradition passed down through the generations and I look forward to it as the start of the season. Decorations come a lot, lot later, but the smell of Christmas on a dark November day fills me with cheer.
It takes no time to make, just ages to steam. I enjoy the day around the house, fire on, relaxing with a glass of something warming.
Christmas Pudding
Print Recipe
This makes a delicious Christmas Pudding, with all of the flavour in a lighter texture than a traditional pudding. It has converted more than a few who didn't like it previously.
I like to serve it flamed with brandy and lashings of sweet white sauce.
This makes a delicious Christmas Pudding, with all of the flavour in a lighter texture than a traditional pudding. It has converted more than a few who didn't like it previously.
I like to serve it flamed with brandy and lashings of sweet white sauce.
Combine everything except the eggs in a non-metallic bowl, cover, and leave to stand overnight.
Next day add the beaten eggs, stir well, and then get everyone to stir and make a wish.
Generously butter a 900ml pudding basin, spoon in the mixture, pushing down well and level. Cover with a double layer of baking paper, and a single layer of foil, both pleated, and tie tightly with string.
Steam gently for 5 hours. Once cool re-wrap with clean paper and foil. Store in a cool place until Christmas.
On Christmas Day steam again for 2 hours before serving.
Half fill a metal ladle with brandy and heat over a gas flame or candle until hot enough to light. Pour the flaming brandy over the pudding, and carry to the table. There should be applause!